My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

When using the My Sister & i Product designer to create your own design 9 out of 10 times you’ll want to add text to the design. You might want to add your Babies name to a Design your own Short Sleeve Onesie or to a Design your own Bib. What ever it might be knowing exactly how to do it and how you can manipulate the text in the designer will be key in your success.

The purpose of this post is to take the Add Text feature offered by the My Sister & i Product designer and break it down into easy to follow step by step instruction to ensure you know exactly what you can do with the designer.

What we’ll cover

  • Adding text
  • Changing Text Color
  • Channing the Font
  • Channing the Letter Spacing
  • Adding a Curve to the Text
  • Resizing Text
  • Editing Text After it was Added to the Design
  • Applying Bold, Italic or Underline to text
  • Changing the Text Alignment
  • Using the Text Transform Button to Change the Case of the Text
  • Rotating Text
  • Use the Move up or Move down Button to Place Text on Top of other Elements

Time needed: 5 minutes

How to Add Text to a design in the My Sister & i Product Designer and manipulate the added text.

  1. Adding text

    To Add text to your design Click the Add text Button in the Top Bar of the My Sister & i Product designer.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  2. Type your Text

    Type your desired text into the Text box of the add text window that opened and click the Add Text Button.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  3. Channing the Text Color

    Select your text element in the designer and click on the color block in the dialogue box.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks
    Now select the desired color from the available colors

  4. Channing the Transparency of the Color

    Using the Slider below the list of available colors you can change the transparency of your text element. Slide the slider left to make the text more transparent, or use the text box and add a number below one ex. 0.5My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  5. Adding an Outline to your Text

    While still in the color picker window select the STROKE tab at the bottom of the window. Choose a color for the outline and use the slider to set how thick you want the outline to be. alternatively you can use the text box next to the slider by typing a number above 0 into the box ex. 1My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  6. Appling a Shadow to your Text

    To Add a Shadow to your text while still in the Color Picker window, Select the SHADOW tab at the bottom of the window. Choose a color for the shadow then use the sliders to apply your shadow. The first slider(Drop Symbol) is a blur shadow and will create a blur shadow effect around the entire text. The second two sliders are off set slider and will create the shadow seen in the image below.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  7. Resizing your text

    You have two options when it comes to resizing your text. With the Text element selected you can either type a number into the size text box next to the color block on the selected element dialogue box, or use the resize handle in the bottom right corner of the selected elements selection box and drag the image to the desired size. Both options are marked in the image below.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  8. Editing your Text

    To edit your already added text. Click the Edit Text button located between the Resize Text Box and the Font Selection Dropdown box to edit your Text.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  9. Changing the Font

    To change the font make sure your text element is selected. Then click on the Font Dropdown Box. Now scroll through the list of fonts and select the font you’d like to use.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  10. Applying Bold, Italic or Underline to text

    To apply a Bold, Italic or Underlined effect to you text with the text element selected use the buttons highlighted below to achieve the effect.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  11. Choosing Text Alignment

    To align your text left, right, or center. use the Text alignment button located to the right of the underline button. I have also highlighted the button in the image below.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  12. Using The Text Transform Feature

    The next button in the row is the Text Transform Button. This button will convert all the text in the selected element to either Uppercase, lowercase, or multi case. To use this feature select a text Element and click the Text Transform button.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  13. Curving Text

    To add a curve to your text. Click the Curve Text Button to the right of the Text Transform Button. A new dialogue box will open. to activate the feature turn it on by clicking the radio button in the top left corner mark in pink in the image. Then use the sliders marked in orange to adjust the curve and the letter spacing to get the perfect curve for your design.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  14. Rotating your Text

    You have two options to rotate your text. The first option is to use the Rotate handle on the Selected Items Selection Box marked in Pink in the image below. Click and hold the rotate handle then drag your mouse till you have the desired rotation. Alternatively you can can use the transform button to use the slider marked in orange in the image or type the rotation as a number into the text box mark in blue. The Transform button is located to the right of the Curve text Button.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks

  15. Move Element Up/Down

    To move an Element on top of another Element or behind an Element, You’ll use the move Up or Move Down Buttons highlighted in the image below.My Sister & i Product Designer | Add Text | Tips & Tricks


That’s great now you know what each button in the text Element dialogue box does and how to use it. You should now be ready to jump right into the My Sister & i Product Designer and start your own design. Be sure to Check out our YouTube Channel. We regularly post How-to video with Step by Step instruction on creating your own designs on multiple different themes and garments.

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